Special Lodge Bulletin
June 28, 2021
This bulletin is meant to provide tips on how to stay as cool as possible during the heat wave we are currently experiencing.
The Bow Valley is facing record temperatures this week. High temperatures can increase risk of harm to people with pre-existing respiratory or cardivascular conditions. Certain medications may also create higher risk during heat – please consult your doctor or pharmacist to determine your risk.
We have been creating “cool down” spaces in our lodges. These spaces provide a place where residents and staff can cool down. We also have cold water and popsicles available to you – please ask for them. Please keep some cold drinks in your fridge. Other things you can do to cool down include staying well hydrated (drink lots of water), taking cool showers and using cold compresses. If you are going outside please wear sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat, but reschedule outside activities for when temperatures drop.
Please note that lodge residents are NOT required to wear masks in the common areas. If you are not yet fully vaccinated then you should consider wearing a mask whenever you are not in your suite. Staff and visitors to the lodges must continue to be masked at all times.
The Covid-19 vaccines are incredibly successful at preventing illness. In fact, UNvaccinated people make up 99.5% of all current cases in Canada. Even though a few vaccinated people will still be infected, their odds of becoming very sick are much, much lower because of the vaccines. If you have not yet been vaccinated, please give very dserious thought to getting the shot.
While we are excited for Alberta’s Re-opening on July 1, please note that the restrictions in place in our lodges will not change significantly until the Public Health Orders for Supportive Living allow us to do so. We expect new Orders this summer.
Thanks all and stay safe!
Ian Wilson